As she gets older...

Wednesday, March 05, 2014 will get harder, I presume.
I'm not anticipating the 'hard' part but it gets harder each day now that she's able to
speak her mind and express her feelings; outwardly or subtly.

Her 1st question each and every morning when she wakes up...
Her 1st question each and everytime we enter our house...
"Mama, abah mana?"
...never failed to break my heart a little.

It isn't like she doesn't know.
And I would then throw the question back to her
and she would have a descriptive answer that follows.
She knows and she keeps asking.

Maybe it is me she's trying to convince?

One night, I was crying over a romantic movie and she came, wiped away my tears and said,
"Dah... dah... eh? Nanti abah balik..."
I wonder where that came from??!!

He texted me this short movie the other day and I cried a river.