
Guest Post: On Record

By Tariq Fadzin


Segala apa yang kita taipkan, katakan, videokan secara online ini, pasti ada tersimpan rekodnya di suatu tempat. Apa yang kita tengok, apa yang kita search, walau diclearkan... memang tak ada orang nampak, tapi ada authority yang simpan.

Kalau tak percaya, cuba la buat jenayah online. Tunggu la depa korek keluar semua nanti.

Key point is, all this data boleh direkod kerana kita berinteraksi melalui gadget kita di suatu alam yang dinamakan alam Internet. Depa tak boleh rekod apa yang kita cakap di dalam hati, ataupun apa yang kita cakap secara offline.

Tapi, kalau kita online saja, semua benda depa rekodkan. Even benda yang aku taip ini...


Sekarang kita berada di dalam alam kehidupan ini dan kita berinteraksi dengan dunia kita melalui gadget kita yang power nak mampus yang dinamakan tubuh badan dan pancaindera kita.

Badan kita ni kenderaan saja woii. Yang membaca apa yang aku tulis ini sekarang bukanlah 'kenderaan' tetapi 'pemandu'. Kalau 'kenderaan' yang membaca, lidah kena gerak, mulut kena buka, angin keluar masuk paru-paru kena control.

When you are silently reading this sentence, you are reading it in your own voice without using your mouth, and you are listening to what you have read without using your ears.

You, my friend, is a 'driver'.

Somebody of authority is certainly recording everything.

  • Friday, December 16, 2016

Big Bad Wolf Dec2016

Last year when I walked into BBW, I was soooo overwhelm with feelings I couldn't explain.
I love being surrounded by books (no, I'm not a nerd) - because it is an evidence of the infinite wisdom of knowledge available to human being, yet it is just equivalent to a drop of sea water in comparison to the vast ocean. I believe - in heaven, there is an endless massive state-of-the-art library and archive as access to part of Kalamullah.

This year, the feeling is still the same! I love it!
Each year I tried finding the best time to go i.e. less crowd and I finally figured the best time is early in the morning. Start your journey right after Subuh, have an early breakfast.
I think the crowd is definitely lesser on working days, but I won't sacrifice my off-day anyway.

This year I went on the 2nd day (it was weekend)... I started at 8.30 AM and didn't even realize that I stayed until almost 4 PM!!!

It is even better this year - the books, the setting, the trolleys provided, the selections and location of food and drinks. I officially went CRAZY (and broke!) at the children's section!

I brought a small trolley with me just like previous years, well, this year TAK MUAT - had to use their shopping trolley instead! Filled it up with children's books! It's like only 15% of the books are mine. The rest are for my daughter, nephews & nieces, birthday pressie for friends' kids etc.

I love my grown-up collection, but I was and still excited about the children's books, honestly!
I feel like I'm grabbing them for myself (sebab dulu masa kecik takde buku-buku best macam ni).
I even bought a sticker book for myself! Jangan gelak! You would want it too!!
Credit (Click image for details)

When I went through it all, I came up with an idea for book review posts!
I love 'em all and I'd like to tell you why!

These are my criteria in choosing children's book:
1. Age/skill level appropriate.
2. Typography/font.
3. Graphic/illustration/interactivity.
4. Theme.
5. Price vs quality.

Yes, I always keep the age/skill level in mind when it comes to books, but I do buy some 'tougher' books if they were really good and I'd keep them till the time come by :P
Too fancy typography/font is always the deal breaker - even if the book theme and illustrations are great, it's not appropriate for early readers.
I always buy books with engaging graphic/illustration/interactivity.
Who doesn't love adorable picture books, flaps books & pop-ups books?!
My favourite themes are mostly on love & compassion, aircrafts & airports and how to view our surroundings differently. I love when the books try to portray the real side of this world/life.
I do consider as to whether the price is appropriate for the quality,
but it's BBW we are talking about, price vs quality is almost irrelevant! 

Hurry, head up to MIECC@Mines, from 9th to 19th December 2016.
It is open 24 hours a day.
  • Tuesday, December 13, 2016

MAYBANK Debit Picture Card

Since Maybank ATM/Debit Cards have to be changed to the new enhanced card by end of this year, I was so thrilled when I saw someone shared the steps to customise Maybank Debit Card in my FB newsfeed! Truthfully, the excitement feels exactly like we were the kids ordering cute name cards a couple of decades ago (still remember/keep those?). 
It's great to personalised the card (with additional fee of RM 26.50 though) but I don't want to be so corny putting a selfie or family photo - as we'll be handing it to the cashier most of the time 
-  so I opted for a photo of an aeroplane taking off at sunset (courtesy of Google Images)!

However, on top of the fee - it has to be picked up from limited branch
(but you can have your selection) after 14 days as compared to the default replacement card
- which is delivered to you for FREE.
And the quality of the card is such a disappointment!
The printing is not as sharp as the normal card.

If you would still consider the option,
you may personalised your Maybank Debit Picture Card here!
  • Friday, December 09, 2016

Soooo, I missed the trip!!!

Well, to cut things short as I am somewhat contempt to elaborate it in details -
I was diagnosed with dengue fever the night before the flight took off.

That's about it.

Well, yeah - I was feverish on Tuesday but I steadily made an appearance to the office because I had a bunch of things to clear off before I left for a fortnight. So 3 days rule, I went to check my blood on Thursday but my platelet count was 160k (dengue would be lower than 120k) so we thought it was just a normal viral fever. I was relieved and still turned up to the office on Friday (such dedication despite the fever, I LOVE MY JOB obviously). But the Doc did highlight that my normal platelet count could have been 450k so 160k is rather low.

I was fully recovered on Sunday (or so I thought) but I was soooooo nauseous I couldn't eat anything. I was feeling lethargic due to lack of energy as I was not eating (or so I thought, again). I was thinking of getting the medicine for nausea as I was hungry therefore I would want to eat and I definitely need it for the long flight.

Since Brazil Border Security requires prescription for all medication that we carry, I went to the clinic on Sunday night to request for it. Then it was all clear when the Doc pointed out that the nausea and lethargy are obvious signs of dengue despite me recovering from fever. It was an indication that the body is lack of water. I was told that the most critical stage of dengue is when the fever subsided. How come nobody ever mentioned this important info??? I should have done my own research but I was so occupied with stuff, I let it slipped.

So I had my blood checked again, the stat was so low, the machine can't even read it.
On the third trial, my platelet reading was only 42k. So I was referred to the hospital,
and it was A's birthday to say the least. Such a great present I gave him :P

So, as I was told -  the most critical stage of dengue is when the fever subsided - I was put on drip, warded the same night, asked to drink a couple of huge jugs of water, measure and record my intake and output (urine), drink more water - and still my platelet went down to 38k the next morning. So this is what dengue does to you. Lower platelet, means higher hemoglobin count thus the hematocrit (viscosity of blood) is higher. Lower platelet, means any injury (internal or external) is harder to recover leading to 'denggi berdarah'.

I wouldn't take the chance, eventhough the team is waiting for me to samba together.
It's not about conquering my 5th continent but missing the learning part of the trip is the thing that I feel most disheartened about. I is redha. Allah surely has a reason and better plan for me.

I was discharged after a day and a half, was given MC for 9 days, asked to rest well and go for another blood test a week after. My platelet rose up to 500k!
And I am as fit as a fiddle.
  • Wednesday, December 07, 2016