
30 Rocks!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

It's the time of the year and I'm turning a year older.
Here's my only recap of my preceding year.
Thirty freaking rocks.
Thirty is NOT the new twenty.
Thirty beats the pants off every single year of twenties

This is where I want to be. I know by the time I'm 50, or 70,
it is exactly where I want to be.
Looking at 23-, 25-, 27-year-old me
 I wouldn't trade anything I've cultivated within me being 30.
Be it for the thigh gap or those flat tummy.
It is within. 
The mind, the way of thinking, the maturity,
the acceptance, the calmness.

I still do not have everything figured out...
but witnessing the most productive decade thrills you
to unfold the next.